Nghi Son Refinery & Petrochemical Limited Liability Company (NSRP) is planning for procurement of General spare parts of rotating equipment to select suitable supplier for supply the good.
If your company is interested in those procurement packages, please fill in and the complete questionnaire below then send email to; “Response for Questionnaire “purchase refractory material” by [3 days from published date] at the latest. For the avoidance of doubt, this notice does not constitute any contractual offer, binding promise or guarantee of business by NSRP.
Please answer the questions below:
Part 1. Survey Questionnaire.
QUESTION 1: Does your company have business license including supply refractory material or company official representation follow the law?
If yes, please provide the notarized copy of these documents.
QUESTION 2: Does your company have any reference contract for supplying refractory material?
If yes, please provide list of contracts for provision at least 3 contracts.
QUESTION 3: Does your Company have ISO 9001 Series certified?
If yes, please provide copy of ISO certificate.
QUESTION 4: Please provide the lead time of your company for supply of refractory material?
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