Tender news


Nghi Son Refinery & Petrochemical Limited Liability Company (NSRP) is planning for procurement to provide inspection and verification services for explosion proof equipment, Gantry & Transformer (above 1000V) to select suitable Contractor for provision of the required Service.

If your company is interested in this procurement package, please fill in and complete the questionnaire below then send email to: diu.dtm@nsrp.com.vn   with subject “PROCUREMENT TO PROVIDE RELIABILITY CENTERED MAINTENANCE (RCM) TRAINING” by 21 Feb 2025 at the latest. For the avoidance of doubt, this notice does not constitute any contractual offer, binding promise or guarantee of business by NSRP.

Please provide full name of your company, correspondence and registered address, business registration and company profile literature.

Company name:


Contact person:

Contact details:

Attach your company profile and business registration in the email.


Please answer the questions below:

QUESTION 1: Do you have a business/enterprise registration certificate for training activities? If yes, please provide soft copy.

QUESTION 2: Do the instructors/trainers have valid RCM certificates? If yes, please provide a soft copy of the original valid RCM certificate

QUESTION 3: How many years of experience do the instructors/trainers have in the field of reliability? Please kindly provide evidence (any certificate of service completion with other client, etc…).

QUESTION 4: Does your company have experience supplying RCM training?

If yes, please kindly provide evidence (any certificate of service completion with other client, etc…).

QUESTION 5: Are you willing to do this project between April and May 2025?

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