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Notice of procurement plan for engineering, procurement, installation, and commissioning for neutralizer injection pump 010-A-005-P01 A/B

Date: July 14th, 2020

Ref. No:  051/2020/NSRP-PS

Nghi Son Refinery & Petrochemical Limited Liability Company (NSRP) is planning for procurement of engineering, procurement, installation and commissioning for Neutralizer injection pump 010-A-005-P01 A/B in NSRP in order to select a suitable Supplier(s) for provision of this service for NSRP.

If your company is interested in this procurement package, please fill in and send us the complete answers for the below Survey Questionnaire to the following email address by 5.00PM 07 August , 2020 at the latest.

Email address:


Please state “EPC FOR NEUTRALIZER INJECTION PUMP 010-A-005-P01 A/B – Expression of Interest” in the Subject of your Email.


Your answers must be submitted in pdf file with signature of legal representative and stamp of company. Please do not submit documents via a link.

It may be rejected if your answer is “Yes” but not provided with enough information/details.

Should you have any question, please contact us at above email address for further clarification or call us at +84 4 3772 6426 (ext. 334).

For the avoidance of doubt, this notice does not constitute any contractual offer, binding promise or guarantee of business by NSRP. Neither shall your satisfaction of all the minimum requirements mentioned above nor your response to this notice creates any promise or guarantee by NSRP that you will be invited to participate in the above mentioned procurement process.

  1. Please provide the following information of your company.



Tax Code:

Contact person:

Contact details:

  1. Brief description of your company’s qualifications and experience in supplying services
  2. Questionnaire

QUESTION 1: Does your company/ consortium have the necessary business licenses, permission, certificates or authorization to design/ procure/ install/ commission for Industries plant?

  1. Yes
  2. No

If Yes, please provide us notarized copy of the business/ enterprise registration certificate.

In case of consortium, please provide both notarized copy of the business/ enterprise registration certificate of each member and consortium agreement.

QUESTION 2: Does your company have experience in providing EPC contract for industrial pump system that includes providing pump, installation and commissioning service?

  1. Yes
  2. No

If Yes, please kindly provide us at least 02 full copies of executed similar Contracts and the performance assessment on the contract completion in recently.

QUESTION 3: Does your company have Quality Management System in compliance with ISO 9001:2015 or equivalent, which is valid and presently in use.

  1. Yes
  2. No

If Yes, please provide Quality Manual and Certificate to ISO 9001: 2015 Edition

QUESTION 4: Has your company’s manpower been trained and qualified to carry out the following works:

  1. Yes
  2. No

If Yes, please provide Curriculum Vitae of your manpower (at least 01 manpower for each work as above mentioned)

QUESTION 5: Does your company have an HSE (Health, Safety, Environment) policy document?

  1. Yes
  2. No

If yes, please provide the copied of HSE policy and list of procedures as evidence for the Bidding package you intend to participate in.

QUESTION 6: Do you keep a record of your incidents and HSE performance?

  1. Yes
  2. No

If Yes, please provide the company record result for the last three years in the table:

Criteria 2017 2018 2019
Death (case)
Lost time injuries
Total recordable injuries
Major Event (considerable material damage)



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