22 July 2019
Ref. No.: 112/2019/NSRP-PS
Nghi Son Refinery & Petrochemical Limited Liability Company (NSRP) is planning for the procurement of to select suitable supplier(s) for the Contract for provision of LOGISTICS SERVICES for NSRP.
If your company is interested in those procurement packages, please fill in and the complete questionnaire below and:
– Submit electronic copy in USB flash drive along with the following original copies.
– Submit two (02) original copies in a sealed envelope, state clearly “RESPONSE FOR QUESTIONNAIRE FOR LOGISTICS SERVICES” to the following address no later than at 4:00pm 02nd August 2019
Nghi Son Refinery and Petrochemical LLC
Attention: Mr. Ho Khai Hoan – Procurement Section
Copy to: Mr. Dau Xuan Ngoc & Ms. Hoang Thi Tuoc
Address: Refinery and Petrochemical LLC, Administration Building, Gate No. 1 (of the Refinery), Km5, Road 513, Nghi Son Economic Zone, Hai Yen Commune, Tinh Gia District, Thanh Hoa Province
If there is any discrepancy between the hard copies and the soft copies in USB, the original copies shall be used.
Should you have any question, please contact us at hoan.hk@nsrp.com.vn and copying ngoc.dx@nsrp.com.vn and tuoc.ht@nsrp.com.vn for further information.
For the avoidance of doubt, this notice does not constitute any contractual offer, binding promise or guarantee of business by NSRP. Neither shall your satisfaction of all the minimum requirements mentioned above nor your response to this notice creates any promise or guarantee by NSRP that you will be invited to participate in the above mentioned procurement process.
Tax Code:
Contact person:
Contact details:
Please answer the questions below:
QUESTION 1: Does your Company have clear intention in providing Over all Logistics Services (Cargoes handling, customs clearance and trucking for imported Goods, exported NSRP’s products, obtaining CO (Certificates of Original) for exported goods, RFCC catalyst handling, Application For Import Tax Exemption List (ITEL)) for NSRP?
QUESTION 2: Does your Company have the necessary business licenses, certificates and authorized letter if necessary to provide Logistics Services?
If Yes, please provide evidence.
QUESTION 3: Does your Company have availabilities and capabilities for supplying Logistics Services for NSRP from beginning of Oct 2019?
If yes, please provide more detail about your available facilities and capabilities for these services.
QUESTION 4: Do your Company have the experiences to supply the Logistics Services (transportation for chemicals and catalysts, do custom clearance, obtain CO, service for Import Tax Exemption List applications…) for industrial plant?
If Yes, please provide related evidence list of your customers.
QUESTION 5: Does your Company have storages, warehouse or workshop and other facilities near NSRP site to support for logistics services?
If yes, please provide some information about your available facilities
QUESTION 6: Does your Company have tilting truck as specified in Attachment 1?
Attachment 1: https://nsrpcomvn-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/hieu_tt_nsrp_com_vn/EdR8O3T59nxGjo1UihiTRqMBOyHOg785gnCuQCJ6W-NqGw?e=h3VB2O
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