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NSRP successfully hands over the CSG project items 2021 to related beneficiaries

The Community Small Grant Project 2021 (CSG), designed and implemented from October to December 2021, is one of the projects belongs to the Strategic Social Investment Program of NSRP that aims to improve the livelihood of Mai Lam Ward people.

Specifically, the project has supported to complete the functionality the Tan Thanh residential group’s Culture House and Mai Lam Kindergarten. For the Tan Thanh residential group’s Culture House, the program has contributed to the following items: construction of the fence line around the Culture House as well as construction of restrooms, provision of tables and chairs, stage permanent backdrop, and sound cabinets, for the village hall. The project has also financed the purchase of all furniture and lockers for eight newly constructed classrooms at Mai Lam Kindergarten.

Handover the facilities to Mai Lam Kindergarten

The fence at Tan Thanh Culture House sponsored by NSRP

The parties have inspected, accepted, and evaluated all handover items to ensure they meet quality and technical specifications; material standards and equipment specifications stated in the contract between the Mai Lam Ward People’s Committee and their contractor.

On December 22, 2021, NSRP, in collaboration with the Mai Lam Ward People’s Committee, successfully organized the handover ceremony for items of Community Small Grant Project 2021  to related beneficiaries.

The ceremony witnessed the presence of Mr. Trinh Xuan Duc – NSRP Deputy Manager of Social and Community Section; Mr. Van Huy Tran – Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Mai Lam Ward; representatives of contractor and representatives of Mai Lam Kindergarten, Tan Thanh residential group that were the beneficiaries from the project.


At the handover ceremony on December 22, 2021

The Project’s positive impacts have been highly appreciated by the local authorities and related beneficiaries. Mr. Van Huy Tran, Vice Chairman of the Mai Lam Ward People’s Committee said: “We acknowledge and appreciate the supports provided by NSRP in creating favorable conditions for the Tan Thanh residents to have a convenient venue for community activities and, for the kindergarten children to have better learning condition. I wish the company to achieve more success and continue to support the local community, particularly the fence-line area.”

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