Tin tức đấu thầu


If your company is interested in those procurement packages, please fill in and complete the questionnaire below then send email to: anh.nt6@nsrp.com.vn with Subject: “Respond for Questionnaire – AE241001 – Underwater structure inspection Services” by 07 Mar 2025 at the latest. For the avoidance of doubt, this notice does not constitute any contractual offer, binding promise or guarantee of business by NSRP. 

AE241001 – Underwater structure inspection Service
Does your company have strong intention to supply service of Inspection for underwater Structure in Oil & Gas or Refinery Industrial or Port Marine.

☐ Yes                                     ☐  No
If Yes in 1), please provide copies of registrations certificates and licenses required for providing hereabove Inspection services of your company in Vietnam (and of your sub-contractors or your consortium members, if you intend to as consortium).  

☐ Yes                                    ☐  No

If ‘Yes’, please provide NSRP the notarized copy of business/enterprise registration certificate and evidence of your partner(s)’s agreement.   
If yes in 1), do your company (or your partners) have experiences of supplement in service inspection of either Underwater Structure or Jetty Pile of Oil & Gas industry since 2018 to now (2025) in Vietnam.

☐ Yes                                     ☐  No

If ‘Yes’, please provide the evidence of contracts.
Does your company or  your partnership have Certificate of Accreditation of laboratory and the following required accredited testing methods: – Testing of material. – Testing of structures and structural component – Quality inspection.

☐ Yes                                     ☐  No

 If ‘Yes’, please provide the evidence.
Does your company or your partnership have certificates of supplement underwater diving execution as IMCA or equal.

☐ Yes                                     ☐  No

If ‘Yes’, please provide the evidence.
Is your company able to provide NSRP the repair or replace CP of Marine Facilities if required.

☐ Yes                                     ☐  No
Does your company have experiences for survey integrity of Jetty Pile underwater and Marine facilities for Refinery Jetty or Harbor

☐ Yes                                     ☐  No
Does your company have experiences and Certificate of NACE regarding Control and Inspection Corrosion

☐ Yes                                     ☐  No

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